5 Things Everyone Should Know About Divorce Mediation
You’re probably already worried. The divorce process is overwhelming to say the least. Rest assured, that’s a natural feeling to have, and it’s not unusual for many people to describe divorce as one of the most stressful times in their life. In fact, it ranks number two in stressful life events after the death of […]
When a Divorced Parent Moves Away

As Seattle divorce attorneys, it is not unusual for us to see one parent relocate to another part of the country, and sometimes to another country, after going through a divorce in Washington State. When this happens, it amounts to a huge adjustment for everyone in the family. Moving away (with or without your children) […]
Getting Started On A Seattle Divorce: Answering Men’s Most Common Questions
One of the most daunting aspects to initiating the divorce process is trying to come up with a plan for what your life will look after the divorce. As a divorce attorney, the most common questions men ask me are: How often can I see my kids? Will I lose my business? How much maintenance […]
How to Build the Right Team in a Seattle Divorce
If you’re getting divorced, or thinking about doing so, you’ll need to put together a group of people who will support you through the process who are not lawyers. I call this your “divorce team.” Your team will hold you accountable to your values, and they will hold you to the vision you have for […]