Be A Bold Bride And Get A Prenup

Be A Bold Bride And Get A Prenup

The other night, I took my daughter and her nanny, Charlie, out to dinner. Charlie is 22, a star athlete in high school and college who spent a summer modeling in Milan and London. We were celebrating her official letter confirming her full ride to graduate school this fall. Needless to say, the world is […]

What’s Considered Separate Property in a Washington Divorce?

In Washington State (and not all states are the same), separate property is recognized and taken into account in divorce proceedings. Separate property is exactly what it sounds like: the separate assets owned by each spouse before marriage. Separate property also includes gifts and inheritances even if they are received during the marriage. Here’s an […]

Seattle Prenuptial Agreements

When people hear about prenuptial agreements, most of them think of famous and wealthy people. But a prenuptial agreement is simply an agreement that a couple signs before they get married. Sometimes it’s called an antenuptial agreement. An agreement like this usually contains a list of all of the parties’ assets and who owns what […]