Be A Bold Bride And Get A Prenup

Be A Bold Bride And Get A Prenup

The other night, I took my daughter and her nanny, Charlie, out to dinner. Charlie is 22, a star athlete in high school and college who spent a summer modeling in Milan and London. We were celebrating her official letter confirming her full ride to graduate school this fall. Needless to say, the world is […]

Seattle Prenuptial Agreements

When people hear about prenuptial agreements, most of them think of famous and wealthy people. But a prenuptial agreement is simply an agreement that a couple signs before they get married. Sometimes it’s called an antenuptial agreement. An agreement like this usually contains a list of all of the parties’ assets and who owns what […]

Divorces and Community Property

Separate and Community Property There are two systems by which married people own property. In almost all states, married people own property under a system called separate property. A minority of states subscribe to the community property system. Washington State is one of those states. In separate property states, each spouse owns, in his or […]