Seattle Child Custody Plans for Infants and Toddlers

One of the biggest challenges you will face as a parent going through a divorce is learning to put your children’s needs ahead of your own, especially when you have an infant or toddler. There is no question about it: this is a huge challenge. At a time of serious emotional upheaval-fear, anger and conflict-you […]

Create Your Seattle Divorce Vision Today!

Watch my video on Divorce Visioning here. This video could be called “How to Get the Seattle Divorce Results you Want” – as that is what this is about, creating your Seattle Divorce Vision. Most people in the divorce process feel like their future is clouded by uncertainty. In this video, I’ll show you how to […]

Child Custody Plans in a Seattle Divorce

Child custody issues for Seattle parents can be traumatic. For most parents, the scariest part of a divorce is the thought of losing contact with your children. It’s important to retain a lawyer practicing in Washington State who deeply understands this fear, and who will fight for the best possible result for you and your […]

Seattle Divorce and Child Custody

Child custody has evolved over the last several years and there are things you need to know about child custody and how it relates to your Seattle divorce, or Washington State divorce. No longer do we see Dads relegated to being, for lack of a better word, the second- class parent. Researchers have determined that […]