A Pre-Divorce Consultation Will Set You Up For Success

A Pre-Divorce Consultation Will Set You Up For Success

Most people think about divorce for a long time before they actually say anything to their spouse. But if you’re thinking about divorce – even just as an idea – these kinds of questions are probably running through your head: When is the right time to divorce? Now? Later? Ever? What are the financial ramifications? […]

Why Your Vision for Post-Divorce Life is Essential

Most men and women going through the divorce process feel like their future is clouded by uncertainty, to say the least. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You will discover that there is life after divorce. And you deserve to have the life you want. Here’s what I tell my clients: create your […]

Labor Nurse to Seattle Divorce Attorney: Amanda DuBois’ Story

So, how did I go from being a labor and delivery nurse to a Seattle divorce attorney? Sounds like quite a stretch. But not really… Somewhere along the way during my legal career it hit me. The process of going through a divorce is not all that different than being in labor. That’s why family law […]

Create Your Seattle Divorce Vision Today!

Watch my video on Divorce Visioning here. This video could be called “How to Get the Seattle Divorce Results you Want” – as that is what this is about, creating your Seattle Divorce Vision. Most people in the divorce process feel like their future is clouded by uncertainty. In this video, I’ll show you how to […]