What You Need to Know About Co-Owning a Home Without Getting Married in Washington State

So you want to buy a place with your boo, but you’ve both been burned before. Marriage equality is great, but it’s not for you. Or you’ve owned your own dream home for a long time and your sweetie has been living there with you, and you want to give her ownership. Well, there are […]
Getting Started On A Seattle Divorce: Answering Men’s Most Common Questions
One of the most daunting aspects to initiating the divorce process is trying to come up with a plan for what your life will look after the divorce. As a divorce attorney, the most common questions men ask me are: How often can I see my kids? Will I lose my business? How much maintenance […]
What’s Considered Separate Property in a Washington Divorce?
In Washington State (and not all states are the same), separate property is recognized and taken into account in divorce proceedings. Separate property is exactly what it sounds like: the separate assets owned by each spouse before marriage. Separate property also includes gifts and inheritances even if they are received during the marriage. Here’s an […]
5 Tips for a Successful Mediation
You’re probably already worried. The divorce process is overwhelming to say the least. Rest assured, that’s a natural feeling to have, and it’s not unusual for many people to describe divorce as one of the most stressful times in life. Worrying is normal. During the divorce mediation process people often feels especially stressed because after […]