Divorce Rights for Men in Washington State

If you are a working man on the brink of divorcing your wife, I know this question is at the top of your list. Divorce rights are something we never learn until we find ourselves needing this crucial information. Most of my clients get their initial information from a friend or family member who has […]

What are Temporary Orders in a Seattle Divorce?

What happens between the time you file for your divorce in Seattle and the day the final divorce order is entered in court? Who lives in the family home? Who pays the bills? Where do the children live? I’ll show you how to take charge of your divorce process so that you’ll have financial security […]

How Much Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) Can I Expect to Pay In a Seattle Divorce?

Watch my video on Spousal Maintenance (alimony) here. In Washington State divorce cases, and therefore in a Seattle divorce, there is no magic formula to determine spousal maintenance or alimony. There are a number of factors the court considers and a wide variety of possible outcomes. Spousal Maintenance is determined based upon two things: The need […]