Co-parenting in the Time of Coronavirus


On March 13, Governor Inslee declared a state of emergency under the Stafford Act. Courts in other states have closed and King County Superior Court is also taking precautions. The depth of the collective anxiety of self-quarantining is palpable. For those of us who operate under the confines of a Parenting Plan, the pandemic is a […]

Tech stock – how to split RSUs when you divorce in Washington state?

RSU Divorce_Fixed Assets

What is an RSU? Restricted Stock Units (aka “RSUs“) are company shares that are awarded to an employee subject to certain terms. RSUs can be avital part of tech and start up culture because they encourage employees to remain in the company and share in company growth. Companies can award employees vested and/or unvested RSUs […]

Choosing a Divorce Lawyer – 5 Tips from a Divorce Lawyer

What is your divorce vision? I know – crazy question. As I frequently say, no one gets married with a vision of one day being divorced.  But, for many, by the time you make the decision, you have an idea of what you want the process to look like. Like your marriage, you may not be […]

Understanding the Change to the Vaccination Law in Washington State

Vaccination law

When going through divorce with children, it’s important to keep in mind that the issue of whether to vaccinate your child is typically considered a joint health care decision under most temporary parenting plans. This means that unless you have court-ordered sole decision making, you and your spouse will need to be on the same page […]