Kids & Divorce: Top 5 Back-to-School Tips

Kids Divorce Top 5 Back-to-School Tips

Support Your Kids Instead of Struggling with Your Ex I’m not sure how it can already be that time of year when we start gathering immunization records, filling out school forms, and downloading the school supply list. For many divorced parents, summertime is when residential schedules loosen up. But, the school year requires increased coordination […]

The Surprising Truth About Infidelity

The Surprising Truth About Infidelity

A few years ago, I met up with my old college friend, Margot. She is now an architect living in Nashville, Tennessee. When we got together, Margot was ten years, two kids, one dog, and a pet goldfish into her marriage. She suspected her spouse had been cheating on her with a close family friend, […]

The One Resolution You Can’t Put Off Until 2016

The One Resolution You Can’t Put Off Until 2016

If you and your spouse are thinking about splitting up, 2015 is the year. Kermit & Miss Piggy called it quits this year. So did Ben and Jennifer. If you live in Washington, here’s why you might want to go ahead and file for divorce. Washington has a 90-day waiting period. That means, you can’t […]

As A Family Law Attorney, This Day Changed My Life #LoveWins

As A Family Law Attorney, This Day Changed My Life #LoveWins

Lawyer Michelle Fontenot shares her perspective today as we take down our “Gay and Lesbian Family Law” web page forever. #LoveWins Today is an historic day and quite frankly, a day I never expected to see. As the tide of public opinion has been turning toward acceptance of gay marriage, I became hopeful that our […]