Are You a Working Parent Who Wants Equal Custody?
If you are a working parent, you know full well how stretched to the limit you are juggling work and family life if you live in Seattle or Washington State. Now imagine you are heading into a divorce and you discover that your career has put you at a disadvantage in a child custody dispute. […]
How Much Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) Can I Expect to Pay In a Seattle Divorce?
Watch my video on Spousal Maintenance (alimony) here. In Washington State divorce cases, and therefore in a Seattle divorce, there is no magic formula to determine spousal maintenance or alimony. There are a number of factors the court considers and a wide variety of possible outcomes. Spousal Maintenance is determined based upon two things: The need […]
Seattle Divorce and Child Custody
Child custody has evolved over the last several years and there are things you need to know about child custody and how it relates to your Seattle divorce, or Washington State divorce. No longer do we see Dads relegated to being, for lack of a better word, the second- class parent. Researchers have determined that […]
How To Ask The Right Questions About Your Divorce
Are you asking yourself the wrong questions about your divorce? Most people do! Are your questions about your divorce getting hijacked by emotionalism and anger, or are you asking questions from a calm and focused mind that leads you to the results you wish to achieve? It’s time to take the focus off your ex-spouse […]