Courageous Endings Bring Brave Beginnings™

Trusted Family Law & Divorce Attorneys

Take Control And Take Care

Guiding You Through Divorce and Family Transition

When separating, it can seem like everything that matters to you most is being pulled apart.
During one of the hardest times in your life, we bring integrity, compassion, and fierce advocacy to the table.
Move from survival mode to seeing a bright future for you and your family.


Experienced and Empowering Legal Counsel at Your Side

For 30 years in the Seattle and Puget Sound region, our women-led law firm has built a courageous and caring track record in this challenging arena. As your trusted guides and strongest supporters, we work in a collaborative, results-oriented way that gives you peace of mind through every step of the divorce process.

Dubois Levias attorneys on pontoon

A Diverse, Women-Led Legal Team Focused on Your Wellbeing


Find Grounded Answers In a Complicated Time​

Divorce comes at you from every angle. We’re here to root you on—bringing clarity, legal expertise, and stability to the entire process.

Divorce Attorneys at DuBois Levias Law Group

Getting started with your divorce

Divorganize Divorce Planner

Washington State Divorce Process