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Divorce and Parenting Plans in Washington State

As you may know, in Washington State, a child custody and visitation agreement is called a Parenting Plan.

Some parents draw up a parenting plan, sign it, and never give it another thought. Other parents find having a plan that they can follow to the letter until their child goes to college helps alleviate any mis-communications or problems with co-parenting. Each divorced family however, must have a specific plan upon which they can rely if disagreements arise.

The lawyers at DuBois Levias Law Group can counsel you about how to approach your parenting plan carefully. This is very important because once filed with the court, parenting plans cannot be modified without court approval, which is often difficult to obtain. As your Seattle divorce lawyers, we will take the necessary time with you to explore all of the possibilities and then design the best plan for you and your children, minimizing the possibility of returning to court for expensive, risky modifications.

No two parenting plans are alike.

A parenting plan for a traveling tech professional versus a business owners working from home will be different from a parenting plan for an entrepreneur or an engineer at Boeing. We understand that parenting plans are as complicated as the lives of the people who need them. We are continually amazed at the creative ways families design their plans to accommodate each parents’ strengths and weaknesses and address their children’s needs.

Only you know what works best for your children and your own unique family situation.

Contact DuBois Levias Law Group

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