How to Divorce a Narcissist and Get Along

How to Divorce a Narcissist and Get Along

You know who you are. You’re the one who did everything to try to stay and make it work. You’re the one who’s still a little more sad than you are mad, but something in you is driving you to make a bold change where there was once only resignation. And, now that you’re coming […]

How Do I Divorce a Narcissist?

How Do I Divorce a Narcissist

You know the type – selfish, my-way-or-the-highway – the type of person who refuses to negotiate. He or she simply expects everyone to go along with the plan, regardless of who’s inconvenienced – or harmed. People with full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or even those who show traits of the disorder, are difficult people to get […]